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sku: ET-notebook-10

Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6) Multi

Ecopybook Tactical®
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6), ET-notebook-10
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Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6) Multi

The Ecopybook Tactical notebook is an all-weather A6-format notebook that fits easily into any pocket and can be used in extreme weather conditions. The cover is made of matte anti-glare polymer and the notebook itself is made of synthetic waterproof and oil-resistant material.

Notes can be made with ordinary pencils. Removing notes from paper with a rubber band or in the field with wet sand or soil followed by rinsing with water. With active use you can from time to time carry out preventive degreasing of pages. This can be done with alcohol-based solutions, surface or glass cleaners.


Shipping and payment


Information about sending orders:

  • orders are sent within Ukraine by the logistics company Nova Poshta
  • delivery time from the moment of ordering is on average 2-3 days
  • shipping days for orders are from Monday to Saturday
  • fragile items (glasses, mugs, etc.) are securely packaged in bubble wrap with a "Caution Fragile" mark on the box
  • detailed information on the website in the "Delivery" web page

Available payment methods for your order:

  • cashless payments
  • payment upon receipt (cash on delivery)
  • detailed information on the website in the "Payment" web page
Product details
brand: Ecopybook Tactical®
country of origin: УКРАЇНА

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sku: ET-notebook-10

Ecopybook Tactical Notebook For BMP-2 Crew (A6) Multi

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Ecopybook Tactical®
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The Ecopybook Tactical notebook is an all-weather A6-format notebook that fits easily into any pocket and can be used in extreme weather conditions. The cover is made of matte anti-glare polymer and the notebook itself is made of synthetic waterproof and oil-resistant material.

Notes can be made with ordinary pencils. Removing notes from paper with a rubber band or in the field with wet sand or soil followed by rinsing with water. With active use you can from time to time carry out preventive degreasing of pages. This can be done with alcohol-based solutions, surface or glass cleaners.


Shipping and payment


Information about sending orders:

  • orders are sent within Ukraine by the logistics company Nova Poshta
  • delivery time from the moment of ordering is on average 2-3 days
  • shipping days for orders are from Monday to Saturday
  • fragile items (glasses, mugs, etc.) are securely packaged in bubble wrap with a "Caution Fragile" mark on the box
  • detailed information on the website in the "Delivery" web page

Available payment methods for your order:

  • cashless payments
  • payment upon receipt (cash on delivery)
  • detailed information on the website in the "Payment" web page
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Delivery in the Ukraine:
  • By couriers of Nova Poshta
  • To the Nova Poshta office
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Delivery to other countries:
  • By Ukrposhta (delivery cost depends on the distance to the country of destination)
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