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Delivery methods - PROF1Group® Online Store

The courier of the company

The courier of the company "Nova Poshta"

The order is sent by the courier of the company "Nova Poshta" only after 100% payment and that the order worth 1500 UAH. The cost of such delivery is assumed by our company. Shipping cost for orders up to 1500 UAH. Is  paid by the client upon receipt of the order in the office of the company "Nova Poshta". Delivery time: from 2 to 7 days from the receipt of payment.

TO THE OFFICE OF the company

TO THE OFFICE OF the company "Nova Poshta"

After 100% advance payment for the goods (receipt of paid funds to our current account)

Client pays all delivey charges to the department of "Nova Poshta".

Payment control (cash on delivery) 

Payment for the ordered goods is made upon receipt of the shipment at the "Nova Poshta" department, the client pays the cost of the goods, the cost of delivery + 2% of the total cost of the goods and delivery.

Pickup from our stores (temporary unavailable)

Pickup from our stores (temporary unavailable)

(Pickup from our stores temporary unavailable)

When placing an order on the site, choose the method of delivery "Pickup from chain stores" and the store where you will be comfortable to receive your order. Payment can be made in cash or by bank card upon receipt.

Additionally, you will receive a notification about the order number and its readiness for delivery.

For International

For International

Sending orders is made by Ukr.Post.  Delivery time for each country is different.  On average 2-3 weeks.  When placing an order through our website in the basket will be a miscalculation of the cost of delivery.  After placing your order, you will have the opportunity to use the payment service through our website using payment systems.  After receiving payment from you, our warehouse begins preparing the order for shipment.  When Ukr.Post accepts the parcel for dispatch, we will inform you the track number.  To track the parcel, you can use the carrier’s website: or any other “Tracker” website. 

Additional Information

You can return / replace the item within 14 days after purchase.